I've talked a lot on here about local haunted places and areas that strange monsters have been spotted, but I've never really talked much about what to do if you see something strange (cause I know I'd be dumbfounded if I came across a Chupacabra that wasn't a coyote with mange).
But how does one go about reporting what they saw in a way that the skeptics would have a hard time to debunk? While searching my usual sites for a story I came across this list. While I don't agree with it 100 percent (I think taking a picture with of a ghost with a cellphone camera is pointless), most on here are pretty good. I really wish I had come up with this list, but wanted to share it nonetheless.
These steps should be taken as soon after the experience as possible, while it is all fresh in your mind.
1) Get hard evidence. If at all possible and you have a camera handy, try to get photographs. Even if it's with a cell phone camera, a low-resolution photo is better than none at all. If you can get an image, it will increase the credibility of your story manyfold. If you have a voice recorder, record what you see as it is happening.
2) Physical evidence. If it's a creature, see if you can get photos of footprints or other physical evidence it might have left. Collect hair or stool samples, if possible.
3) Time and place. Write down the exact time and place where you saw the phenomenon. In as much detail as you can, note everything you saw, every action. If you didn't have a camera, make drawings.
4) More details. Make note of its size, shape, color, gender. How far away from you was it? (Measure if you can.) How did it move? Did it speak or make noise? Did it see you and react to you? What did it do?
5) Sensory details. Was there a distinct odor or fragrance? How did it make you feel? Did it affect you physically in any way?
6) Other witnesses. If there were other people with you who witnessed the event, record their names, ages, addresses and occupations.
7) Location. Note the exact geographic location of the sighting. This is especially important if you're out in the wilderness. Otherwise, record the building name, room number, street, city and country.
8) Environment. Note the time of day, lighting, weather conditions - even if you're indoors. Was it sunny, brightly lit, dim lighting, overcast, dark, moon-lit, raining?
9) Sky position. If it was a flying creature, where in the sky was it: north, south east or west? How fast was it moving? Estimate its size in relation to something else in the environment.
10) History. Does the location have a history of ghost sightings, haunting activity or previous sightings of weird creatures?
11) Your story. From your notes, write a narrative of your experience, just as it happened. Tell it like a story, but do not exaggerate, make assumptions or add elements to make the story more interesting. Stick to the facts.
12) Other stories. If there were other witnesses to the event, have them write their own stories. Do not consult with each other during this writing; you want each story from each person's perspective.
13) Make a formal report. Report all this information you have documented to a respected paranormal research group. (Do not give them your original materials; give them copies.) You can also provide the information to an established paranormal website, like this one.
Keywords: search russ house titanic smith haunts ghost paranormal world granny revenge search russ titanic captain ghost father sacrifices daughter versailles time trianon ghost lab
Are there really such things as ghosts? And who ever said there's no such things as ghosts?
Actually, I'm not even going to entertain the close-minded cynical skeptics. I would rather address those more open-minded. So let's move on to some "real" questions?
What makes a ghost a ghost? Why do we sometimes see them, but most of the time not? And exactly where do they exist?
Here's the basics. First, ghosts were once upon a time us. They are beings who have shed their corporeal mortal coil, as in the physical body, which means they have officially died. They're dead to the earth plane, however the soul is still very much alive. In most cases the being is disoriented and confused and doesn't realize he is dead -- or has left his body which is his anchor to the dense physical world. These ghosts are stuck, or sandwiched between two planes of existence, the earth plane and the denser level of the Other Side. They are earthbound, usually due to previous attachments or unresolved issues that tied them into the earth, yet they lack their earthly body.
If you find them or see them roaming around in a particular house, or even in the house you live, it's probably because they once lived there. Now they have become squatters in their own homes -- or previous homes, since corporeal people now reside there. We may perceive the ghost as the intruder, but from their perspective, anyone in "their" house is the intruder.
If you see a ghost, it's usually because sometimes the veil between our side and the other side is thin at that particular time or place, to where we get a glimpse over there. And often you may have a psychic opening, even if temporarily, so your psychic sight may open for just a bit which allows you to see entities on a higher vibratory level. It's possible that the fact this entity is near you may trigger an opening, or if it is trying to contact you. Two beings near each other, or in the same house although existing in different frequencies, may be able to see each other. Unfortunately, some people are psychically dense. But I believe every human being has psychic abilities -- they're just untapped. Many times I've seen a glimpse of some being in my room, or in my face, and I kind of freak out at first. But this is because the Other Side isn't far away at all. It's right here! It's only a few degrees away dimensionally speaking. We just have to put up with wearing this hunk of fleshy body which more or less hinders our real abilities. Think of the physical body like a clunky deep diving suit; it tends to hamper your normal senses. Pretty soon you want to come up for air and shed that bulky thing, don't you?
Also, time doesn't pass for beings on the Other Side. Ghosts may have been roaming around in the house for many decades, not realizing they died, and they may assume that a mere few minutes have passed. Psychics and clairvoyance agree on this point in most cases.
The well-known psychic, Sylvia Browne, in "The Other Side and Back", states, "Time has no meaning after death, even for those who don't move on to the light to The Other Side, where they belong."
According to psychics and various spiritual traditions, if the ghost gains enough awareness, and learns to let go of the earthly plane and whatever attachments he may have had, he can move into the light and go Beyond, or to what many call the Other Side.
Copyright 2006 -2012 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved
Keywords: researchers not peter jackson ghostly sees believer ufo reports hunters photo object truth orb missing files anomalies mount frank
Imagine purchasing your dream retreat, where you can escape the fast-paced, hustle bustle of everyday life - only to find out that your quite abode is occupied by something or someone from the other side.
A couple who purchased a wilderness lodge in North Hudson, New York, are living this reality and were recently visited by the team from the Paranormal Research Society. The couple as well as visitors have heard footsteps, children giggling, and music throughout the place. The clients' son revealed that a number of people gathered there once for a spirit board session to see what would come through. It was after that night that the activity reportedly got worse.
The researchers were unable to find any significant historical information connecting past events with the current activity taking place on the property. However, while spending the night at the lodge, team leader Brian Buell was woken up during the night with the sensation that a something was in his room. This along with unexplained noises during 'dead time' convinced the team that these they were not alone.
It was strongly believed by all that the spirit board session opened a door allowing spirits to come through. After announcing to the presence that it was no longer welcome, the activity seems to have stopped-for now.
This case was shown on a recent episode of Paranormal State- "Room and Board".
Keywords: apparitions afterlife capture ghost about ghosts afterlife real ghost ghost shadow ghost shadow man haunted village true help paranormal reveal ghost