Thursday 22 May 2008

True Ghost Stories Help Us To Learn About The Paranormal World

True Ghost Stories Help Us To Learn About The Paranormal World Image
If you ever had a personal experience with a ghost or you know of any true ghost stories you will probably want to know what type of spirit, entity or energy was responsible. This is easier to determine with a repetitive haunting than with a one time sighting, but if you are very observant you should be able to narrow it down.

Did the story or experience involve an actual real 'live' ghost or was it more like a recording, or perhaps a poltergeist? There are a lot of paranormal phenomenon that are often mistaken for ghosts. Poltergeists, for example, aren't actually real ghosts, but are forms of psychic energy. Some hauntings are more like a movie in which a precise scene is played. This type of haunting often runs on a schedule. The ghost will be seen to go through the same motions or routine and will appear not to be aware of the living. If the ghost notices, or interacts with you it is definitely not an energy recording.

When you actually encounter a ghost or paranormal phenomenon it can be difficult to keep a cool head and really see what is happening. Don't let fear knock you out of learning. If you panic or turn away in fear you may miss witnessing a fascinating event. However, fear is usually the first emotion to hit a person when they come into contact with something from the 'other side'. It's only natural to fear the unknown, but don't let it control you. The more you are able to observe and write down the more you will be able to understand about what is happening.

While I have no doubt of the existence of ghosts I know that their interactions with humans can be rare. Perhaps I should say their interaction with perceptive humans. It does seem that some people have more of a propensity to see or feel paranormal presences than others. One person may have had numerous experiences with the paranormal while ten others have had none. We tend to base our beliefs upon our experiences. People that have never witnessed a paranormal event tend not to believe while those who have had personal experiences do.

Many times our knowledge about ghosts and the paranormal isn't derived from our own experiences, but come from stories we hear from others. Real ghost stories, especially those passed down through the years in many of our families, can be valuable sources for information. These stories can help us to gain a better understanding of what ghosts and the paranormal really are. If it has been a long time since you heard the ghost stories and perhaps you don't recall them well enough ask your parents or grandparents to tell them to you when you get the first chance.

For real ghost stories visit

When we hear ghost stories from others do we really listen? Don't just shrug it off, there may be a lot of truth in those ghost stories. Often a true ghost story is passed down through a particular family. Perhaps it happened to one of your grandparents and you grew up hearing it or maybe it even happened to you personally. Either way there are hardly any of us who don't know about several ghost stories that are told as to be true.

If you would like to read true ghost stories and learn more about paranormal subjects like poltergeists, electronic voice phenomenon, different types of hauntings, ghost pictures and more visit True Ghost Tales -

The next time you hear, or read a true ghost story, remember the paranormal world is real and ghosts do exist and they do so independently of our beliefs on the matter.

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Sunday 18 May 2008

Mysteries Link Between Paranormal Ghosts And Ufos

Mysteries Link Between Paranormal Ghosts And Ufos Image
Recently there have been suggestions that it is possible to travel faster than the speed of light, which takes us almost into science fiction.

But supposing this is true, it then opens up the possibilities that much else we take to be fact, may actually be incorrect. It might mean, for example, that bizarre UFO sightings, like those of Carol and Steve from Gateshead UK, could be true. Even though main stream logic says they are fiction.

Carol and Steve aren't a publicity seeking couple but they have witnessed many weird UFO sightings, which are completely different from the norm.

Steve was working the night shift and Carol was home alone with her three year old daughter. She was restless and couldn't sleep and about 2 a.m she made herself a cup of tea to drink in bed.

While sipping her drink she could see a red light through the curtains. She looked out and saw what she describes as a "cymbal shaped object over the roof tops opposite." The UFO then displayed various coloured lights and sped away into the sky.

Okay, nothing different there to many normal UFO sightings, but more was to follow. As she returned to her bed she heard a sort of rumbling noise and saw the same object - but this time in a miniaturised form, and it was flying inside her room!

The small UFO gave off a trail of glittering specks which made her body tingle. The specks returned to the UFO, which was about 18 inches in diameter, and the craft then left though the door.

The mini UFO returned 13 days later. This time she was in her daughter's bedroom. Again the tingling sensation returned and she screamed out to her husband, Steve. All he saw was a flash of light heading for the window. The craft, or whatever it was, flew through the window and away without causing any damage.

A further four nights later Steve was again on the night shift. Carol and her young daughter went to stay with her mother as she didn't want to be alone.

At about 4 a.m she heard a buzzing noise and her tingling body felt paralysed. The UFO had returned. But something even stranger - and some will say impossible - happened. Twelve weird creatures, but similar to humans, were also in the room. They were about two-and-a-half feet tall and were wearing white suits. Their faces appeared pale, delicate and almost feminine.

Some of the creatures approached Carol, conversing by clicking noises, and looked into her eyes.

This UFO haunting continued for over two months and all of Carol's family felt the tingling sensation. Their dog went into a frenzy whenever the buzzing noise of the vehicle was heard.

Then suddenly the mysterious visitations ceased completely and were never heard again.

At first the story sounds impossible: mini UFOs travelling through solid windows and doors; twelve 2ft 6ins creatures travelling in an 18 inch diameter craft and so on.

For fun, let's make it all the more puzzling and throw in something we would probably class as paranormal.

A well-off businessman from Manchester, UK was staying the night with his girlfriend. He was lying in bed asleep when he felt as if he was being invaded by some strange tingling sensation. It was like the air was filled with electro-magnetism. As he looked about in the darkness he saw that it was 3 a.m. Then he noticed something else.

A figure appeared in front of the window. He saw it was a woman and she looked to be quite solid and real. He noticed her features and clothing in detail and then for some reason he cried out. As he did so the woman faded away.

He woke his girlfriend and told her what he had seen. She immediately knew who the woman was from his description. It perfectly matched her dead mother.

It's interesting how this ghost story has certain similarities to that mini UFO: the tingling, the buzzing noise etc. If we look at ghost and UFO stories they can almost, at times, seem to interlink

It's easy to write off such things as nonsense but, if it turns out we can travel faster than light, we should perhaps open our minds to other possibilities. But I'll leave readers to draw their own conclusions!

Friday 16 May 2008

Night Voices

Night Voices Image
My experience happened about 5 years ago. It was about 1 a.m. one Thursday night in March. I was lying in bed with my partner Lyn just talking in the quiet darkness. All of a sudden I heard an old woman's voice say, "Are you ready?" She then giggled.

The voice was not in my head; it was right there in the room. It was very clear! I immediately asked, "What was that?" Lyn said she didn't hear or say anything. I knew Lyn didn't say it because it was an old lady who said it and it came from a different part of the room. Because Lyn didn't hear it, I started to tell myself I was hearing things. That was that.

Two nights later, Saturday night, We were in bed again, talking again. This time I heard a man's voice. He said the word "excuse." I jumped up and so did Lyn. She heard it, too, this time. I asked her what she had heard, knowing full well what I had heard. Lyn had heard a man's voice say, "You don't need an excuse." Lyn heard a whole sentence; I just heard the word "excuse." We were both lying on the pillow, facing each other. The voice came from just above us, right there in the room.

Lyn's mother is a clairvoyant and who lives 300 miles away from us. She came to visit us on the Friday morning, so she was in the house when Lyn and I heard the man's voice, but she wasn't with us when I heard the old woman's voice.

Lyn's mum has always said that Lyn will follow in her footsteps as a clairvoyant, as she too has the gift (things happen to Lyn a lot), but this is the first time anything has ever happened to me. I know 100% what I heard was right there in my bedroom, both times. If Lyn is the one with the "gift," why did I hear it, too? Why did only I hear the old lady's voice?

I feel that this experience has changed my life a little, but at the same time it's very frustrating as I now need to know more.

The morning after the man's voice, we asked Lyn's mother what she thought and she told us that sometimes she hears things that mean absolutely nothing to her. Now, 5 years on, I still stop and think about what I heard, and it still makes me wonder. Even with a clairvoyant mother-in-law and people telling me how good she is, I was still a skeptic, and after my experience I kind of still am. I need more.

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Thursday 15 May 2008

What Is A Ghost

What Is A Ghost Image
The catechism "What is a ghost?" has been asked by millions of bodies for bags of years. Every ability beyond the planet angle ghosts differently. Some accept that ghosts are angry alcohol that should be feared, while others accept that ghosts are actuality to advice and assure the living.

Ghosts are about anticipation of as the bogeyman ( the actualization of) or spirit of addition or some affair that is no best living. Abounding conjecture that a bogeyman is artlessly bent amid the apple of the active and the afterlife. Possibly abashed about their own death. This is why abounding bodies accept that ghosts are generally begin in places of abhorrent tragedy and abrupt death.

Other theories attention ghosts as aloof addition anatomy of energy. We are all fabricated up of energy. Some scientists accept that action doesn't die, but artlessly changes form. Ghosts could be the aforementioned action in a new form, after a concrete body. Addition approach is that ghosts are alone imprints larboard on the atmosphere about us by what some alarm our "life force".

Although there may be no audible account for what a bogeyman is, it is adamantine to abjure that there is absolutely article about them that has captured the minds of millions. With bags of arise sightings and encounters for centuries, it is additionally adamantine to abjure that ghosts aloof ability be real. The anticipation of a bogeyman actuality complete is alarming to some and alluring to others. Can they see us? Do they apprehend us back we speak?

There are altered types of ghosts that bodies accept arise encounters with as well. History will acquaint us that not all ghosts are advised affable and some absolutely actualize animosity of anguish and terror.

A apparition is said to be one anatomy of a bogeyman that is arise to move altar and accomplish noises to let it's attendance be known. Poltergeists are generally admired as bad or angry alcohol and are sometimes alike associated with demons. A apparition is said to sometimes centermost about one actuality in a household. This actuality is usually addition who may be adversity from some anatomy of affecting agitation or change. Adolescents are generally associated with this blazon of ghost.

Demons are generally referred to as ghosts, but are theorized by abounding to be a absolutely altered thing. Demons are best frequently believed to be collapsed angels or armament of authentic evil. Some accept that there are two basal armament that authority our apple into place. One actuality in the anatomy of advantage and purity, while the added takes the anatomy of complete black and evil. Demons are believed by some to a actualization of that influence. They are additionally believed to accept the ability to abide the bodies of bodies or animals.

Apparitions are the best accepted blazon of bogeyman and absorb the actualization or analysis of addition that is no best living. Apparitions can be abounding anatomy or fractional in appearance. Some apparitions are said to arise alone in places that were accustomed to them in life, while others abide a mystery. Some say that this blazon of bogeyman can arise to ancestors or admired ones and accept been said to acquaint of approaching danger.

There are abounding added types of ghosts and abstruse action and the best way to get the answers that you may be gluttonous is to do some investigating of your own. Research and conjecture for yourself. "What is a ghost?" aloof ability be a catechism that can never be absolutely answered. Bodies will abide to investigate and theorize, but we may not get the acknowledgment to this age old catechism until we become ghosts ourselves.

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Monday 12 May 2008

11 Signs That Your House Is Haunted

11 Signs That Your House Is Haunted Image
This is an guide to help anybody who needs to know if there house is truly haunted, remember there is help available if you need it.

What to watch for - and what to do about it.

You hear heavy footsteps in the upstairs hallway when you know no one is up there. Doors slam unaccountably. Commonly used items disappear and reappear without cause. The kitchen light turns on by itself. There's the unmistakable scent of a strange perfume in the air.

These may be indications that your house is haunted. True hauntings are rare occurrences, and it may be difficult to determine whether or not any strange phenomena you are experiencing in your home might be due to a haunting. For one thing, no one really knows what a "real" haunting is - what causes it or why it starts.

The Signs of a Haunting

The first step is to determine, as best you can, whether or not you truly have a legitimate case of a haunting.

Not all hauntings are alike, and they may exhibit a variety of phenomena. Some hauntings feature a single phenomenon - such as a particular door slamming shut that occurs repeatedly - while others consist of many different phenomena, ranging from odd noises to full-blown apparitions.

Here's a partial list of phenomena that might indicate that your house is haunted:

1: Does your home have cold spots...areas where there is no evidence of a draft, but you can feel one anyway? Oftentimes, spiritual activity is accompanied by cold wisps of air and chilling puffs against your skin. They can be a barely-noticeable occurrence, or very strong. Goosebumps can result. Pay attention, these can be very tell-tale.

2: If you hear ghostly footsteps, wait until the phenomenon has stopped (or until daylight, if you're more comfortable) and try to duplicate the sound by walking wherever the footsteps came from. Was it really footsteps, or the house settling or shifting as the temperature dropped at dusk?

3: Do your dogs or cats tend to avoid or obsess about a particular location in your home? Animals are extremely sensitive to paranormal occurrences and "vibes". They will often stare at a particular spot for no specific reason, growl at thin air, flee from nothing and bark at something you can't see. Sooth the animal and get it to calm down. Take notice of when and where these things happen and see what other signs might be going on. Pay heed to your pets. They're innocently psychic.

4: Do you find that friends or family mention feeling a particular way in your home or specific location in the home? Are they spooked at times? Do they talk about nighttime occurrences or feelings they have? Those who don't live full time in the house will often feel more spirit energy than those living there. We can grow "immune" to the feelings in our own house. Pay attention to what visitors say.

5: Very common scents that are not usual to your surroundings can indicate some spirit activity. The sense of smell is extremely strong in relation to memory for human beings. We can smell a particular aroma and be taken instantly back to a strong memory we've stored that is connected to that smell. Perfumes, flower scents, earthy scents and cooking smells are some of the scents detected in relation to ghostly activity.

6: You can try meditation, open yourself to the experience of feeling the atmosphere of your own home. Clear your thoughts and breathe deeply, drawing in the ambiance around your house and filtering it through your senses. Does it feel charged with energy? Does it feel as though you're not alone? Does it feel like there are emotions there that don't belong to your or other inhabitants? These things all can indicate presences of spirit people and ghostly visitors.

7: If you have children, do they seem to have developed a imaginary friend. This is common we know with all children, but sometimes a spirit can attach itself to a child and draw on there energy. Spirits are especially attracted to children as there souls are pure and are very easily manipulated. Children will believe anything.

It is not uncommon for a child's behavior to change dramatically. Signs of this maybe:

Constant Fatigue, this occurs by the spirit drawing on the child's energy.

Increase in aggression

Lack of concentration, this may be their performance at school.

An increase in nightmares.

I realize this just sounds like a normal child.

The best way to tell though is by listening to your child's conversations with so called imaginary friend.

Your child may use particular words or phrases or have knowledge of an event, that they could not possibly know.

Ask your child questions about who he/she may be talking to.

Is this person a boy or girl?

How old is he/she?

Where are he/she from?

What do you talk about? etc!

8: Do you see or hear doors slam shut by themselves.

This is very common and can be miss interpreted for a haunting. Check the surrounding area for any drafts. Put your hand around cracks in doors and windows and try to feel for any drafts that may come through them. You must eliminate any natural causes.

9: If an object seems to move by itself, check the floor or surface with a carpenter's level. You can pick up a cheap one for under 2, and it'll fit in your purse or pocket. If the object is lightweight, check for drafts, too.

10: If windows open themselves, check the hardware. Make certain they're really closed. Try the window to see if the counterweight isn't right, and the window opens too easily.

11: If windows close themselves, try propping them with a piece of pipe or other solid object. Ghosts pop those props out, gravity usually doesn't.

Poltergeist phenomena is its own animal, so to speak. First, try to repeat the incident yourself, using natural means that could have occurred the first time. (A dish can fall off a shelf if the shelf is shaky. A dish cannot fly across the room and smash on the wall unless someone threw it, or rigged it.

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