This is an interesting question, I believe the best answer is ghosts use a lot of energy to appear to us or manefest themselves as another word. On camera sometimes it will pick up colours or lighting where the human eye may not pick up at that time. This is what I refer to as the unbiased view (camera view). This is what I believe is an uncommon occurance as the spirit or ghost needs to use a lot of energy to appear in view. Because of this reason, these spirits I believe are often referred to as very powerful spirits where the energy source they have is so strong they are emitting a light energy strong enough to show on camera..
Like I said a lot of the time it is very rare as the spirit has to use a lot of energy at that time to be in view.. Whether or not this common theory is accurate or not I will leave that up to you to decide however it adds relevance and evidential support to many ghost sightings seen everyday around the world.
Keywords: tips prevent ghosts new ghosts did ghost new ghosts jim not hunters live waverly believe paranormal center studies alien elected public
The Palace of Scheffler is the most famous haunted house in Stockholm, Sweden. Built in the 1690's by a merchant named Hans Petter Scheffler, this home is the site of a suicide and murder.
Perhaps the tragedies that have taken place here could explain the paranormal activities that have been reported since the 18th century. An owner of the estate, who was believed to be practicing the occult, mysteriously disappeared in 1796. In 1879, the opera singer Gustaf Sandstrom committed suicide in a room that he was renting. In 1907 a grave was found on the property. The skeleton was dug up and moved to a cemetery and it has been speculated that more graves are at this location. According to some, a young couple was murdered in this home and their bodies bricked-up in the wall of the basement.
"Since the 1920s, the estate is owned by Stockholm University and mostly used for storage of art and to occasionally hold conferences." (Wiki) The reports of strange sounds, ghostly figures and objects mysteriously breaking on their own are still occurring today.
Keywords: hunting theories beings true learn paranormal paranormal ghostly noises versailles time ghosts base ghost ruining belief professor ufo craft attacks sub exchange univer city
This one below--"The Mound" is my favorite horror book I've read this year! I hope you follow Cullan's blog, Strange State. He is a multi-talented artist, author and a brilliant researcher in the paranormal world.
"The Mound" by Cullan Hudson and Marilyn A. Hudson
When a group of strangers converge on an old hotel in a sleepy eastern Oklahoma town to investigate its haunted reputation, no one is prepared for the terror they are about to face. Matt Wolf busies himself with the renovation of the abandoned Montford Arms Hotel in the small Eastern Oklahoma settlement of Corvus Mound, unaware of his ancient legacy and strange destiny. Dr. Karen Houston is perplexed by the incongruous find she discovers while excavating the ancient native mounds nearby. She does not yet know that it is inextricably linked to her strange and frightening dreams. Psychic Shade Hoffmeyer will need every reserve of insight and intuition to fathom meaning from the bizarre visions leading her to a terror that will challenge her spirit as much as her mind. These three must understand the forces that have drawn them together in order to fight back the ancient evil awakening within THE MOUND.
Haunted Chattanooga by Jessica Penot
It is the home of one of the most famous railways in American history, the site of a historically vital trade route along the Tennessee River and the gateway to the Deep South. Chattanooga has a storied past--a past that still lives through the spirits that haunt the city. Whether it is the ghost of the Delta Queen still lingering from the days of the river trade, the porter who forever roams the grounds of the historic Terminal Station or the restless souls that haunt from beneath the city in its elaborate underground tunnel system, the specter of Chattanooga's past is everywhere. Join authors Jessica Penot and Amy Petulla as they survey the most historically haunted places in and around the Scenic City.
You see a dark shadow in your bedroom, hear a voice whispering in your ear, get a sudden chill with goosebumps and wonder, was that a ghost? As she does on her popular blog, "Ghost Hunting Theories," Sharon Day will take you through quizzes, descriptions and real-life examples to help you understand your experience. She will introduce you to her technique; the "Trinity of Relevance" to learn if you had a haunting encounter or not. When you are done with Was That a Ghost?, you will not only know if you have encountered the world of the paranormal, but you will also have skills and knowledge you can apply to future events. It is the goal of this book to give the reader life skills that enhance understanding of the paranormal. Hers is a very unique perspective and your mind will forever be opened to the possibilities after reading this book.
"Was That a Ghost?" by Sharon Day
"Haunted Cemeteries Across the USA" by Gregory Branson-Trent
"Destination Truth: Memoirs of a Monster Hunter" by Josh Gates
Truth is stranger than legend... and your journey into both begins here.
World adventurer and international monster hunter Josh Gates has careened through nearly 100 countries, investigating frightening myths, chilling cryptozoological legends, and terrifying paranormal phenomena. Now, he invites fans to get a behind-the-scenes look at these breathtaking expeditions. Follow Gates from the inception of the groundbreaking hit show (at the summit of Kilimanjaro) to his hair-raising encounters with dangerous creatures in the most treacherous locations on earth. Among his many adventures, he unearths the flesh-crawling reality of the Mongolian Death Worm, challenges an ancient curse by spending the night in King Tut's tomb, descends into a centuries-old mine to search for an alien entity in subterranean darkness, pursues ghosts in the radioactive shadow of Chernobyl, and explores sightings of Bigfoot from the leech-infested rain forests of Malaysia to the dizzying heights of the Himalayas.
Keywords: change ghost world help learn capture unidentified piece ghost equipment ways spirits titanic captain john ufo mib alien mars final search life
First step in any new hobby or job is to learn the theory. And one of first steps in learning theory regarding paranormal investigations is the need to learn about the types of phenomena we might encounter during our investigations. I would like to focus on ghosts - there are different types of phenomenon we're usually calling "ghosts" - each person interested in paranormal should know these types no matter if he or she is investigating paranormal activities, or just focusing on theory as pure hobby.
Sometimes you might encounter Records - a phenomena when you will experience an event from the past, appearing like a recorded 3D movie. Witnesses have encounter a wide range of such Records, starting from single shadow moving across the room, ending on whole armies on the battlefield. If we would like to explain this phenomenon, we could think about psionic signatures - they have custom to left on different objects or in different places such as house or chair...
Intelligent Haunting
This is a spirit of a person that died yet stick in our physical world. These ghosts might hang around flats or houses, or even big castles and streets and they are trapped in our world. Paranormal investigator's job is to identify the problem and help the spirit "move into the light", as psychics use to say.
Stick Ghosts
Stick to what, you will ask - stick to objects, such as urns or favourite chairs etc. Such ghosts appear to move from one location to another along with the object they're stick to (of course object is moved by those who still lives, not on its own).
Two persons in the same place - its a well know phenomena between people studding lives of saints. Sometimes person don't know he or she is present in two different places in the same time, sometimes bi-location might be caused unintentionally as a result of stress or fear, sometimes intentionally (Remote Presence, a psychic skill).
Ghosts of pass
When a person is passing from our world to the "other side", sometimes a spirit of this person is paying a visit to its relatives or friends - at least some people believes this is happening.
I belong to a group of people who strongly believe that 98% of poltergeist activity is not ghosts, but uncontrolled psychokinesis and it's caused by living people. Even so, there is still this 2% of activities that we can't explain by psychokinesis, so we have to assume there are some spirit stuff included. Poltergeist is nothing more than objects moving on their own - flying, falling etc. If you can't find natural explanation of such phenomena, then it might be caused by person causing psychokinesis effects, or by a ghost manifestation.
Some people says Orbs are first steps of ghost manifestation - but mostly probably orbs will be nothing more than a specks of dust or drops of different kind - so if you were able to take a picture of orb, treat it as natural phenomena, not as proof of paranormal activity. But if you're seeing orbs on real, and they're glowing and flying around, then it's definitely not a speck or drop.
I'm using this term to describe situations in which people are faking stuff in order to please investigator, but there is something paranormal going on indeed. Sometimes activity might stop when investigator arrives on site, and witnesses don't want to look like fools so they're trying to fake activity - that's why even when you're suspecting a fake, you should keep your mind open as maybe something is happening on real.
World isn't perfect - people are faking stuff. Mostly probably 98% of all your investigations will be faked and you can't do anything about it. If you think that each and every paranormal site you'll visit will be real, you're simple wrong - paranormal investigator job in most cases is not to prove paranormal activity to be real, but to prove someone is faking. Sound strange? No one told this is going to be normal...
Now you know some basic theory and you can learn more about paranormal investigations. But that's subject for another article.
Nathaniel is a psychic, energy worker and paranormal investigator, grab his ebook and learn how to develop psychic abilities.
* AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU CONCENTRATION CAMP (Oswiecim, Poland) - Haunted houses aren't just homes, per se. The top 10 most haunted houses in the world include any building that houses people, and this is one of the grimmest places in the world. The Auschwitx Concentration camp is has one of the most blood-stained histories in the world, with over 2 million deaths in a five-year period (1940-45). The torture and genocide that took place here is some of the most horrific in human history.
* RAYNHAM HALL (Norfolk, England) - Home to England's most famous ghost, the brown lady. According to folk legend, a picture of the brown lady was captured in the mid-1930's, and that picture remains one of the most authentic ghost pictures ever taken.
* THE WHALEY HOUSE (San Diego, California) - The most haunted house in the US. There have been dozens of reported ghost encounters at the Whaley House, which was once partially a cemetery as well. The Whaley House is one of the central hotspots for paranormal activity in the world.
* BALLYGALLY CASTLE (Ballygally Bay, Ireland) - Castles are just really big houses, right? Well, my not "just," but the Ballygally Castle has been converted into a hotel that is still active today. However, it's also famous for a number of ghosts, one of which is a ghost of a woman who was starved to death by her husband.
* UNIT 731 EXPERIMENTATION CAMP (Harbin, Manchuria, China) - This is actually a Japanese concentration camp, and it is responsible for the deaths of over 250,000 Chinese prisoners. This part of Asian history is mostly unknown by the larger public, but it remains one of the most disturbing places in the world.
* THE ROSE HALL GREAT HOUSE (Montego Bay, Jamaica) - This is a big tourist attraction because of Jamaica's natural beauty. Most tourists, however, are unaware of the legend behind it. Supposedly, the lady of the house was a witch who captured, tortured and murdered dozens of slaves.
* THE BELL FARM (Adams, Tennessee, US) - The Whaley house might be "more" haunted, but the Bell Farm is the most famous haunted house in the US. In just 2005, the movie "An American Haunting" detailed its poltergeist history.
* THE MYRTLES PLANTATION (St. Francisville, Louisiana) - This plantation has actually been turned into a bed and breakfast, but it's unknown how many of their customers know its history. The ghosts of murdered children, slaves and an attorney still haunt it.
* EDINBURGH CASTLE (Edinburgh, Scotland) - The most haunted place in the most haunted city of Scotland, Edinburgh Castle's ghosts continue to haunt visitors to this day.
* THE WHITE HOUSE (Washington D.C., USA) - The ghosts of dead presidents linger over the White House, and its secretive nature only adds to its mystique.
Keywords: things your says abbey fairy phone reports rings ghostly digital voice ghost caught men black proves abduction scenario israel ufo moon base