In the documentary film Children Of The Grave, viewers are faced with the reality of ghost children and the awful events that brought them to be. Hearing EVPs of their laughter, cries and tiny voices clearly communicating with the living brought tears to my eyes after sending an icy cold shiver up my spine. Filmmakers, along with the investigators who worked on this documentary were professional and showed compassion/respect for each of the innocent, lost souls that they encountered along their journey.
Another haunted location that comes to my mind is Whispers Estate - a B&B in my home state that is believed to be home to ghosts of children. Reported paranormal activity, along with recorded sounds of a baby crying and children talking, have led the owner and visitors to believe in and accept the existence of ghosts. Paranormal investigator Keith Age, from the Louisville Ghost Hunting Society, has said that this is one of the most active places he has been to and one where the ghosts clearly respond to the questions being asked.
~I would hope that in cases where the child ghost is accompanied by a malevolent entity or needs help in getting to the "other side", those involved would do their best to help release them from whatever keeps them earthbound.
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