The first variety strongly resembles a video of a tragic or a historic event. The events unfold before your astonished eyes, and you are a mere spectator, unable to do anything with what is happening before you. None of the players in the scene will ever bother you or attempt to interact with you. On the contrary, they are hardly aware that you are watching them as they enact the incidents of some remote past.
How does this happen? The event is simply an imprint, recorded and stored by some of the things or materials in the building or in the area. Whenever the conditions are suitable, the incident is replayed. The ghosts enacting the scene are far from earthbound spirits, the word "images" would suit them better. As per a theory to explain this fascinating phenomenon, events comprise energy, and part of this energy is trapped by certain substances in the vicinity. The entire event is then replayed in certain favorable conditions.
This variety of haunting might scare the wits out of you when you witness it for the first time. You must remember that it is just an imprint and cannot harm you in anyway. It is just like a movie; relax and enjoy it.
In the second variety of haunting, you are haunted by a real ghost or spirit who wants to capture your attention for some reason. You might even catch sight of a partial-bodied or a full-bodied apparition. Such haunting features voices, footsteps, creaks, bangs, music, footsteps, smells, and so on.
For example, you might smell tobacco smell even when nobody around you is smoking. You might catch sight of mists, light effects, orbs, and so on. The ghostly presence might try to touch you, and you will feel this as a chill, a cold spot, a light touch, or some other type of sensation.
Usually, this is the soul or spirit of a dead person. They might be earthbound and unable to make it to the higher realms because they either have some job to be done or are too attached to the house and the locality or are afraid to move on or are guilty about something. A ghost could also visit you to warn you about something or to give an important message.
You have nothing to fear about such haunting. These ghosts are just like human beings, neither good nor bad. The only difference is that they don't have a body. They might try to attract your attention by moving things around, creating noises, and turning the lights off and on. Some mischievous ghosts might indulge in such activities only for the fun of terrifying you. Alternatively, they might be trying to convey some message to you. Under the misconception that they still own the house, they might want you to exit or refrain from renovating a certain section of the house.
Most of the haunting that takes place is of this category. Usually, the ghosts are harmless; in rare situations, however, they might have some evil or malicious intent.
This variety of haunting is far from rare; however, demons and other non-human astral entities hardly interact with those who are alive. The Bible has made a mention of them. Only very highly qualified and trained ghost hunters can deal with this variety of haunting. These entities are evil and can do a lot of harm.
Sometimes, these entities disguise themselves as well-meaning human spirits. One of the worst things about using an Ouija board is that you can easily attract such malicious entities, and once you attract them, they can drive you to desperation.
Never ever indulge in games such as black magic, satanic worship, and Ouija boards. If the subject interests you, take the help of experienced, knowledgeable people. Never venture into an unknown world on your own and get into trouble.
Keywords: might indicate apparitions ohio rings peter jackson ghost about paranormal haunted wilderness lodge paranormal experience spielberg grain leir live 1977 island ufos
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