A ghost of child is a difficult one for me. A mother myself, I cannot bear to think that a helpless child is lost, searching for his or her parents and unaware of their passing.
In the documentary film Children Of The Grave, viewers are faced with the reality of ghost children and the awful events that brought them to be. Hearing EVPs of their laughter, cries and tiny voices clearly communicating with the living brought tears to my eyes after sending an icy cold shiver up my spine. Filmmakers, along with the investigators who worked on this documentary were professional and showed compassion/respect for each of the innocent, lost souls that they encountered along their journey.
Another haunted location that comes to my mind is Whispers Estate - a B&B in my home state that is believed to be home to ghosts of children. Reported paranormal activity, along with recorded sounds of a baby crying and children talking, have led the owner and visitors to believe in and accept the existence of ghosts. Paranormal investigator Keith Age, from the Louisville Ghost Hunting Society, has said that this is one of the most active places he has been to and one where the ghosts clearly respond to the questions being asked.
~I would hope that in cases where the child ghost is accompanied by a malevolent entity or needs help in getting to the "other side", those involved would do their best to help release them from whatever keeps them earthbound.
Ghostly figures, shadows, ghostly lights, pained and twisted voices, sounds, and other phenomenon are common occurrences during a ghostly encounter. Ghosts are thought to be the spirits of deceased humans either trapped on this earth for what ever reason you choose to believe, or still attached to the earthly realm due to some unfulfilled earthly desire or desires.
A commonly accepted definition of a ghost is "the soul of a dead person, a disembodied spirit imagined, usually as a vague, shadowy or evanescent form, as wandering among or haunting living persons.
Many people believe that ghostly activity is around us every day, but we just do not see it. Some people have more ghostly encounters than others and the reason why is because they are either consciously more open to the finer realms or simply naturally endowed with the ability to see them. Those with a natural ability commonly have other psychic powers at their disposal. There are a fortunate few who can turn that power on and off at will.
Real ghosts often appear in different forms. Those that have had a haunting or encounter report anything from a solid looking form, a shadow, or a transparent smoky or misty mass of a full body apparition. Sometimes it is just the head or upper torso. Ghosts can be perceived by the living in a number of ways: through sight, sounds and voices, smells, occasionally touch, and often they are merely sensed.
Ghostly encounters often have one thing in common; a chilling or cold sensation on the skin, however it is important to remember that a natural response to fear is your hair raising up on the back of the neck or arms and this can be mistaken for the chill thought to be caused by an unseen entity.
One of the most important and yet inexpensive devices for catching evidence of a ghost is a digital thermometer. It is believed that an entity trying to manifest itself in some way sucks the energy out of the surrounding location, thus dropping the air temperature. If you or someone you know is having frequent bouts of these type of chilling sensations then by all means invest in a thermometer to test out whether the situation is real or imagined.
The reason most people get scared when they have a ghostly encounter is that the fear they feel is a natural response to the unknown. Rare are the cases of a ghost or spirit causing harm to a human being. They just don't have the power or desire to harm anybody. If you are having ghostly encounters and are afraid, ask yourself, what do I have to fear?
If yours is in fact one of those extremely rare cases where a spirit is causing bodily or mental harm by all means call a priest or a psychic who is studied in handling these type of things. They will guide you in the proper management of your situation. Paranormal activity can sometimes be frightening, but one should not fear ghosts. Ghosts should be studied with the thought of learning more about what happens to some souls upon physical death. With this knowledge it may then be possible to help the disembodied being move on to their proper place in the astral realm.
The consciousness of a human can get very attached to a specific location while living. It is thought that the spirit of that person may remain at that location for some time after physical death due to the personal feelings and desires of the individual. In most cases it seems they do move on after a number of years. It is during this time that the living sometimes have a run in with them.
It does not seem to be that a ghost really cares who is living in their location as long as the atmosphere is relatively calm without a lot of anger or other negative emotions generated by the current inhabitants. Often times ghostly encounters are reported after starting a remodeling project of the home. This activity somehow seems to disturb them, but once the project is complete the encounters generally die down.
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Becoming a ghost hunter is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies in today's world. If you are interested in conducting a ghost study in order to establish proof of ghosts, it is important that you know the steps on choosing a digital voice recorder to capture true ghost sounds. Most professional ghost investigators today elect to use this type of recording device for the simple fact that it has the capability to record a large amount of data and it is considered to be much more convenient that traditional recording systems that use standard tapes. In this guide, you will learn what features to look for when shopping for a digital recording device that will capture ghost sounds.
The first feature that you should pay close attention to when it comes to choosing a recording device that is digital in nature is the recording time that is part of the device. Most ghost investigations average anywhere between two hours and five hours in length. It is essential that you purchase a recorder that has the capability to record a minimum of two hours worth of sounds. Fortunately, the technological advancements associated with this piece of ghost hunting equipment have now allowed manufacturers of the units to integrate well over two hundred hours of recording time into the devices. If you are just starting the process of becoming a ghost hunter, this type of recording time will be perfect for you.
When you are looking to capture ghost sounds, it is important to choose a digital voice recorder that has many features associated with the actual recording process. When shopping for this piece of ghost hunting equipment, you will discover features such as voice activation, LCD display screens, fast forward features, rewind features, the integration of time and date, as well as a cut feature that will allow you to successfully omit any sounds that you do not want to include in your paranormal investigation evidence files. When becoming a ghost hunter, you will find that ghost hunting equipment features are essential to your overall success in gathering evidence that establishes proof of ghosts.
As you can see, there are many different considerations that should be made when purchasing a voice recorder for your ghost hunting investigations. By focusing on the features that are outlined in this guide, it is quite likely that you will be able to discover a product that is effective for the ghost study investigations that you conduct. There are inexpensive and expensive digital recorders on the market today. Before shopping for yours, it is important to also consider how much you would like to spend on the device. It is important to understand that price should never be a determining factor as far as the quality of a product is concerned - especially a digital voice recorder. It is much more effective to focus on the features and the way that the unit may assist you in capturing ghost sounds.
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